What are Erectile Dysfunction and Its Effective Treatments?

Most of the men are aware of the term erectile dysfunction. We are this sure because this common yet depressing disorder has encountered every man at least once in their lifetime. Well, whatever be the reason, not having an erection is unfair. But there are certain health conditions when a man finds it hard to have an erection.

Man with erectile dysfunction even can’t hold an erection for longer. In such a phase reaching the peak of orgasm or having a great sex life seems to be complicated. But if we can work closely while understanding the problem more prominently and the possible treatments, the problem can get controlled over.

erectile dysfunction Man holding rope and two eggs as symbol of male penis
erectile dysfunction Man holding rope and two eggs as a symbol of male penis

What is Erectile Dysfunction?

ED is a health condition, in which a man can’t achieve an erection even when sexually aroused. This is a common and normal problem for men above 40 years. But many people have faced the disorder even before than age.

It is a reversible problem and can get resolved with proper erectile dysfunction medications drugs online, and care. But understanding the cause and tearing that is important to achieve the goal of treatment.

There are various causes behind. The primary and possible causes of erectile dysfunction include:

  1.         Cardiovascular diseases
  2.          Liver related problems
  3.          High Blood pressure
  4.          Psychological disorder
  5.         Stress and Anxiety
  6.          Low Blood Pressure
  7.         Diabetes
  8.         Obesity etc.

Why Does Erectile Dysfunction Happen?

Any of the causes mentioned above be the major ones to result in the disorder. Your penis needs to have adequate blood flow to get an erection. Sometimes your penis fails to have enough blood flow to get erected.

What are the Treatments of ED?

The best ED drugs can treat the root cause of the problem. The treatment method can be decided according to the cause of the problem.

ED due to psychological disorder: Stress, anxiety or psychological disorders, can be one of the causes for ED. Due to relationship problems and other work and life-related stress refrain them from getting sexually stimulated and even stop him from achieving an erection.

In such cases, psychotherapy can play a functional role. Communication between two partners can also be helpful at some points. The patients can even; prefer taking ED drugs like Generic Viagra 100mg along with stress relief therapy.

ED due to Cardiovascular diseases and liver-related problems: Cardiovascular and liver-related problems are other major causes of ED. In such cases, when a man is taking other prescriptions for such disease, must focus upon solving those problems.

Taking ED drugs online, along with other prescriptions, can be dangerous. Thus, one must consult with a doctor before preferring any such medication.

ED due to Obesity: Obesity is a significant cause of ED. A healthy body weight improves sex life. Through lifestyle changes and exercises, it is helpful for a man to maintain a healthy body weight. Along with other exercises, specialized activities for ED like Kegel exercises and Jelqing exercises can also be performed to pace the recovery of the disease.

ED due to irregular blood pressure: High and Low blood pressures; both are the causes of ED. Due to low blood pressure, enough blood flow can’t reach to the penis to have an erection. The normal blood pressure must be maintained to have an erection.

Through proper diet and medication, the blood pressure can be maintained.

Drugs for Erectile Dysfunction

PDE5 inhibitors are generally called ED drugs. As the action of the cGMP gets reduced by the enzyme called phosphodiesterase-5, the medicines block the working of the enzyme and relax the blood vessels to carry enough blood flow to the penis to have an erection.
Generic Viagra 200 mg, Cialis 40mg, and Levitra 20mg are the best medications which have proven to be safe and effective for the problem.


The ED drugs work only when a man is sexually stimulated. Thus, one must understand when there are requirements for treatments and medications. It is always suggested to talk to a doctor before taking any pill. Most of the pills have side effects, which can be ignored by being safe and intaking ED drugs safely.


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